US Youth Soccer

At US Youth Soccer we provide a fun, safe and healthy game for ALL KIDS...big kids, little kids, tall kids, short kids, young kids, older who want to play for one season, kids who want to play for twenty seasons, kids who play strictly for fun, and kids who want to compete at the highest level possible. Kids are different, and because they are different their physical, social and psychological needs are different. We at US YOUTH SOCCER recognize this and our programs are aimed at meeting the different needs of ALL KIDS.

US Youth Soccer...The Game For ALL Kids!®

US Youth Soccer provides a healthy activity through its recreational and small sided games programs. These programs emphasize FUN, and de-emphasize winning at all costs. Every child is guaranteed playing time and the game is taught in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.

For the player with advanced skills and greater ambition, highly competitive leagues are offered. This player might have his or her sights set on a college soccer scholarship or playing for the U. S. Olympic or National teams.

US Youth Soccer is the largest member of the United States Soccer Federation, the governing body for soccer in the United States. US Youth Soccer is a nationwide body of over 600,000 volunteers and administrators, and over 300,000 dedicated coaches, most of who also are volunteers. US Youth Soccer registers over 3,000,000 youth players between the ages of five and nineteen. US Youth Soccer is made up of 55 member State Associations; one in each state, and two in California, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas.

US Youth Soccer is non-profit and educational organization whose mission is to foster the physical, mental and emotional growth and development of America's youth through the sport of soccer at all levels of age and competition. Our job is also to make it fun, and instill in young players a lifelong passion for the sport.

From its humble beginnings in 1974 with just more than 100,000 registered players to its current registration of more than 3 million, US Youth Soccer has always been recognized as a leader in youth sports organizations. Through a democratic structure, the membership of US Youth Soccer is able to provide uniform rules and guidelines. These guidelines facilitate intra-state, inter-state and international play. US Youth Soccer is also able to provide a structured appeals process, and its marketing and licensing programs help US Youth Soccer hold down player costs while providing revenue for increased services. The national administration of US Youth Soccer is conducted by a nine member Board of Directors consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, four Regional Directors, and a Member at Large. Each of these board members are elected into office by delegates from the 55 member State Associations. A tenth position, that of Past President, is held by the past president for a single term of two years.

The US Youth Soccer membership is divided into four regions, each with a Director elected to the board. The regions are essentially East (Region I), Midwest (Region II), South (Region III) and West (Region IV). Each State Association has a Board of Directors, elected by delegates from their member leagues, clubs or teams.

US Youth Soccer is a member of a much larger soccer community, and therefore its players are members of this world community. Here's how its work. Boys and girls register to play with one of the 6,000 + clubs or leagues formed by their State Association. Each of the 55 State Associations across America are members of US Youth Soccer and US Soccer (there are two other divisions, US AMATEUR SOCCER for adults, and the professional division). US Soccer, along with over 197 other national soccer organizations, are members of FIFA, the Federation Internationale de Football Association. FIFA serves as the international governing body for soccer and US Soccer has been a member since 1913. Together, local, national and international organizations form a family of support for the young soccer players of America.

So come join the millions of kids having a ball. We've got a place for everyone in The Game for All Kids!® Call 1-800 4 SOCCER for more information on the programs offered by and benefits of belonging to US Youth Soccer.

US Youth Soccer

9220 World Cup Way

Frisco, TX 75034


Fax: 972-334-9960